Pan Dacom Direkt GmbH Dreieich Plaza 1B 63303 Dreieich Germany
From the direction of Munich and Cologne A3
At Offenbacher Kreuz take the A661 towards Darmstadt
Leave the A661 at the Dreieich Sprendlingen exit and then turn left
At the traffic lights, turn left towards Sprendlingen Ost
At the next traffic light, please turn right into Offenbacher Straße
At the second traffic light, at the level of "MANN MOBILIA" please take a left and drive into the Dreieich Plaza business park between the buildings
A5 from Basel
Take exit Langen / Mörfelden and drive towards Langen on the B486. Then on the L3262 and continue towards Dreieich-Sprendlingen. Always straight ahead and follow the priority road. Right at the fork. After "Arrow Electronics" at the traffic lights on the right and immediately the next entrance on the left.
For your navigation system
To find your way, please enter Dreieich Plaza 1B, 63303 Dreieich. Our driveway is then immediately on your left.